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Winnipeg Storm

Fort Garry North Hockey Association (FGNHA) and South Winnipeg Hockey Association (SWHA) operate a joint female hockey program under the brand Winnipeg Storm.  Girls thrive in the female program because they are amongst peers with a common purpose – to have fun, develop skills, learn the game and compete.  


The Female program fall under Hockey Winnipeg which means our teams play other area associations throughout the city. The Female program is divided first by age and then by skill division.


  • U9 (ages 7 & 8) have three skill divisions: A1, A2 & A3;

  • U11 (ages 9 & 10) have three skill divisions: A1, A2 & A3;

  • U13 (ages 11 & 12) introduces AA (Twins program), and then has two skill divisions: A1 & A2;

  • U15 (ages 13 & 14) has AA (Twins program), and then two skill divisions: A1 & A2;

  • U18 (ages 15, 16 & 17) has AA (Twins program) and one skill division: A1






  • What are Team Fees and what do they cover?
    Team Fees are shared expenses for the team. Last season U9 Team Fees ranged from $400 - $450 per player and covered the cost of practice ice, name bars, hockey socks, Storm Social Tickets and tournaments. Team Fees are paid in addition to registration costs.
  • What is the Winter Storm Classic Tournament?
    The Winter Storm Classic is our annual female outdoor tournament hosted at the Waverley Heights Site of the South Winnipeg Community Centre. Players enjoy outdoor hockey, a pancake breakfast and pizza dance party held at the end of January.
  • What is the Storm Parent Party Social?
    The Storm Parent Party Social is our yearly fundraiser with the proceeds funding the end of season banquet. Each team receives 2 tickets per player for purchase and teams are encouraged to donate a basket for the silent auction.
  • What is the Storm Player and Coach Banquet?
    The Storm Player and Coach Banquet is our end of season celebration where players and coaches enjoy an evening of pizza, dance party and prizes.
  • How do you determine how many Storm teams there are each year and what level skaters will play?
    The number of Storm teams is determined by Hockey Winnipeg based on the number of registrants at an age group. There are evaluations for all players and teams are determined after rankings by independent evaluators.
  • When can I expect to have practices and games?
    All games for our U9 teams last season were on the weekend except for tournaments and playoffs. Most of the practices throughout the season were during the week, player development skates on alternating Tuesdays. The teams also attended 9 weekend practices.
  • For games, do coaches skill match lines?"
    Coaches try their best to match skill but other coaches sometimes either have set lines or may not be interested.
  • What are the different age categories?
  • Coach advice to new families:
    Get involved with the team (coach, manager, safety, etc.) It’s a long season so don’t worry if you miss 1 or 2 games/practices.



Email FGNHA’s Female VP


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